Kiri Bamboo Workforce
Our company provides bamboo crafting jobs to impoverished village people who struggled to support their families and were forced to seek employment outside their communities by going to big cities or traveling abroad. By creating a bamboo workshop in rural area, Kiri Bamboo helps rural folks to stay close with their families and have a stable income in Cambodia.
Kiri Bamboo Support
We not only offer new job opportunities to rural communities but also provide additional benefits such as workshop accommodation, additional skill training sessions, insurance coverage and small loans. The goal is not only bring financial steadiness but also increase professional and personal confidence in the lives of Cambodian bamboo craftsmen.
Environmental Impact
Kiri Bamboo aims to demonstrate and educate various market players and local communities about the importance of resilient bamboo forestry and measurable bamboo harvesting that will bring environmental and financial benefits to all participants in the long run.